Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bloody what?

So there's this thing called the "bloody show" when you're pregnant. It comes at the end...when you're about to have the baby. It's also called a mucous plug. Mine started "showing" up last night. Still comin'....still contracting...and no baby falling out of my vagina. Just thought I would let you all know. I'm going to attempt to sleep now. 1 hour at a time. 

Oh yeah, and I'm super excited that I get to watch Gracie at home these last few days! She loves Josh and our dog Cane so I think she'll just eat it up. I'm going to miss her...but looking forward to watching another little one here pretty soon...of OUR OWN! Yay!

I'll let you know if we have to make an emergency run to the hospital before Sunday. 5 days to go!!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

oh wow not too much longer!! Let us know if you go in sooner than sunday! I love you!